根據Futuresource Consulting報告指出,BenQ已經連續7年穩居全球DLP投影機銷售第一,繼2015年推出「愛很簡單 從投開始」系列微電影,不僅打破一般民眾對於投影機冰冷又少與生活有關連的印象,更寫下10天內點閱數破百萬的傲人成績。今年BenQ更將邀請張鈞甯續任代言人,將一人分飾三角,淋漓盡致刻劃出台灣夫妻相處真實百態,透過投影機大螢幕的凝聚,讓家人重新聚焦於彼此,找回真實互動的感動。BenQ投影機2016年度鉅獻「做個 戀家的人」微電影7/1日於BenQ官方粉絲專頁https://www.facebook.com/benq.tw全球首播!
According to a Futuresource Consulting report, BenQ has
maintained its position as world #1 in DLP projector sales for the seventh year
running. One of the promotional tools BenQ used to support projectors in 2015 was
the release of a mini-movie series that not only overturned people's
impressions of projectors as cold, unfeeling technology with little connection
to everyday life, but also achieved a remarkable 1 million views within 10
days. Following up on this effort, this year BenQ has invited actress Janine
Chang to continue to serve as spokesperson, and play three separate characters
in a new series of mini-movies that vividly portray the married life of
Taiwanese couples. By drawing on the immersive viewing experience of a
projector's big-screen picture, families can gain a sense of togetherness and
rediscover the warm feelings of interacting with each other. BenQ's new
mini-movie series began showing on July 1 on our Facebook page at