2014年10月15日 星期三

BQtw 客製化加值服務 「Qmobi客製化網站」即日起試營運 (BQtw's Qmobi customized value-added service website goes live)

走在路上老是和別人撞殼嗎?!只要到Qmobi客製化網站購買客製化F5 4G LTE智慧手機,用自己喜愛的照片、圖案、文字,設計屬於自己的F5手機背蓋與桌布,輕鬆打造一支專屬於自己的F5手機,展現自我獨一無二的風格!



When you're out and about, are you perturbed to find others with phones that look exactly the same as yours? Now, all you need to do is go to the Qmobi customization website and buy a customized F5 4G LTE smartphone. Use a favorite photograph, graphic, or piece of text to design a backplate and wallpaper for your F5 smartphone that is uniquely you. Easily create a F5 that expresses your own personal sense of style.

When they purchase a new phone, consumers typically also buy a case or shell for it. As for the criteria they use when selecting a case or shell, most prioritize a fashionable appearance. While there are an enormous number of styles to choose from, designs that are popular lead to the awkward situation of people with identical cases or shells on their phones encountering each other. The Qmobi website allows consumers to do their own designs, creating a truly personalized backplate and wallpaper for their F5 smartphone. The website was designed for easy navigation, and the entire process only requires four simple steps: select the phone model you wish to customize → select whether you wish to upload a photograph or choose from a template that suits your taste → add images to the back plate → after confirming the design, upload your personal wallpaper. After making payment, you have completed a customization of your F5 that makes it uniquely yours.

The Qmobi website has begun operations. Visit now to create your own special version of the F5 smartphone.

