BenQ三坪機新品發表會推出「劇院側投三坪機」W1070+/W1080ST+及「入門高亮三坪機」TH681/ TH681+/ TH682ST,以「打造微空間視聽美學」為主題,發表會現場產品展示區以居家生活情境呈現三坪機W1070+/ W1080ST+/ TH681+/ TH682ST卓越的產品功能,強調BenQ三坪機重視消費者使用體驗,發展出最貼近、適合台灣家庭的投影機使用模式,讓消費者一次擁有三坪機所提供的視聽享受及空間美學品味,充分展現BenQ家用投影機-全球家用投影機第一品牌的研發實力!
At a product launch event, we introduced the cinema-class side-projecting short-throw W1070+/W1080ST+ projectors and entry-level high-luminance TH681/ TH681+/ TH682ST projectors. The event used "beautiful viewing in tight spaces" as its theme, and the outstanding product features of the W1070+/ W1080ST+/ TH681+/ TH682ST were shown off in a demo area designed to simulate a home environment. The aim of the demo area was to provide a realistic experience of using our short-throw projectors, in scenarios that are closest to and most suited to Taiwanese families. With these projectors, consumers can enjoy a big-screen viewing experience while preserving the aesthetic sense of their home space, compellingly demonstrating BenQ's world-leading product development prowess in home projectors.