2015年10月13日 星期二

一起來!WiT 螢幕閱讀檯燈|產品體驗會 (Product hands-on event held for WiT e-reading lamp)

甫上市就獲得網友們熱烈討論的WiT螢幕閱讀檯燈,於九月進行了兩場與VIP們的近距離接觸,邀請各路好漢來體驗這盞全球首發為螢幕閱讀而設計的LED檯燈到底有多智慧!知名部落客藥師吉米及電玩正妹張小筑也分別出席,現身分享搶先體驗WiT螢幕閱讀檯燈後的使用心得!VIP們現場有吃有拿,玩得不亦樂乎!後續也將分享VIP們的體驗心得,敬請鎖定WiT FB官方粉絲團。10/17(六)還有第三場體驗會喔!敬請期待!

After becoming the subject of much eager discussion in the online community after its market debut, the WiT e-reading lamp was spotlighted at two intimate events during which users from various walks of life could experience for themselves the world’s first lamp designed specifically for reading on digital device screens, and see just how smart it is. A well-known blogger/pharmacist and a gaming model also made appearances at the event, sharing their observations after receiving an early tryout with the WiT. Snacks and giveaways were also on offer at the venue to the further delight of the attendees. Following up on the event, we will share their thoughts online, so be on the lookout for updates on the official WiT Facebook page. On October 17, a Saturday, there will be a third product hands-on event.

