2015年7月13日 星期一

護眼大型液晶新品上市 不閃屏、低藍光、廣色域、大尺寸 一次到位 (New eye-protective flat-panel TVs debut, bringing flicker-free, low blue light, wide color gamut, big-screen viewing to the living room)

身處多屏世代,過度用眼所導致的眼睛疲勞、眼疾等問題引發現代社會高度關注,關心消費者眼睛健康的 BenQ 在護眼大型液晶獲得超高評價與市場口碑後,護眼科技再升級,於今年6月推出全新護眼廣色域AW與GW系列— 50吋至65吋大型液晶,其中AW系列更榮獲德國TUV萊因不閃屏與SGS低藍光雙認證。 BenQ研發之面板迴路穩定不閃屏技術,可使電流穩定畫面不閃爍,進一步有效減少長時間注視螢幕帶來的眼睛疲勞,透過低藍光護眼技術,降低傷害眼睛的藍光,減少光波的刺激。獨家「廣色域黑湛屏」的鮮明原色提供使用者最頂級的視覺饗宴,不但可顯示更豐富的色彩數,在層次與對比也有極佳的表現,極致優化影像品質,展現完美畫質。

In this era of the multi-screen lifestyle, a great deal of attention is focused on the problems of eyestrain and visual ailments brought on by excessive viewing. After receiving strong acclaim in the market for eye-protective large-screen flat-panel TVs, BenQ is continuing to demonstrate our concern for consumers’ eye health by introducing a further upgrade to our eye-protective technology with our all-new AW and GW series in June. These new flat-panel TVs, which offer spacious screen sizes ranging from 50” all the way up to 65”, not only feature eye-protective technology, but also wider color gamuts. In addition, the AW series has achieved certification as a flicker-free device from Germany’s TUV and as a low blue light device from SGS. BenQ-developed LCD panel technology ensures steady current levels and imaging that is free of flicker, further reducing the eye fatigue that can result from long periods of time staring at the screen. The low blue light eye-protective technology in these televisions work by lowering the levels of damaging blue light, reducing irritation caused by these wavelengths. Exclusive wide color gamut VA-LCD panels generate vibrant primary colors for the best possible viewing experience for users. They not only render a greater range of colors, but also offer superb performance in image depth and contrast. The total optimization of imaging quality results in an ideally realized picture.

