2015年7月17日 星期五

BenQ W系列家用投影機在歐洲獲媒體好評 (BenQ W-series projectors good reviews in Europe)

BenQ W系列家用投影機在歐洲獲媒體好評,包括W1350、W1080ST+等機種在德國、西班牙、波蘭等地電子或消費雜誌與線上媒體好評。

W1350 performance 1.3 award in Heimkino Magazin in Germany
Plus points:
excellent basic settings
bright image (colour calibrated)

W1350 very good performance award in Hifi Vision Magazin in Germany
Plus points:
excellent basic settings
bright image (colour calibrated)

W1350 reader’s choice award in entry level projector category of Auerbach Media in Germany
W1350 beats rival Epson EH-TW5200 with direct comparison in FHM magazine in Spain
 W1080ST+ 5 star recommendation award in HDTVcom.pl in Poland

