2015年7月13日 星期一

BenQ Taiwan BenQ 智慧藍光螢幕「兩光實驗室」瘋狂開張 (BenQ Taiwan uses Twin Light Lab to demonstrate how BenQ smart low blue light monitors protect eyes)


BenQ's smart low blue light monitors have been the subject of lively discussion online, and in June we opened the Twin Light Lab. We invited netizens to come to the lab in Taipei's Neihu District to see a series of experiments comparing two different types of blue light—long-wavelength and short-wavelength—and unraveling their mysteries!

At the lab were our chief R&D consultant and the enigmatic Professor L, providing commentary and directing the experiments with the help of a research assistant. Those experiments demonstrated the science behind how BenQ's smart low blue light monitors protect your eyes.

