2015年4月9日 星期四

G2F晚美自拍機 時尚穿搭影音+看片答題活動 創造社群話題 (Promotion for G2F selfie-focused camera sparks discussion in online community)

G2F晚美自拍機持續不斷與美妝時尚部落客合作,以不同的話題融合自拍概念,於社群媒體中與女孩們互動。本月的影音特輯又再創熱潮!  由部落客黃小米擔任G2F特派員,介紹活力校園及浪漫春季兩種穿搭風格,搭配G2F「限量薄荷綠」與「粉嫩甜心」兩款相當適合春天的外型,使用6段18種美顏功能及夜自拍蘋果光拍出賞心悅目的照片,同時還影音教學WiFi分享功能! 兩波看片答題活動,累積數千位女孩分享對G2F及時尚穿搭的喜愛,精采影片歡迎你也一起來看。
 <玩美自拍情報-校園風穿搭>  https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10153198392145152&set=vb.215063195151&type=2&theater

We have been promoting the G2F selfie camera through collaboration with cosmetics and fashion bloggers, drawing on different topics that relate to selfie photography, and establishing a communication channel with young women on social media. This month’s special edition video once again sparked eager discussion. Blogger Mii served as G2F envoy, introducing two styles of dress to complement the G2F—one lively campus look featuring the limited-edition mint green and one emphasizing the romantic mood of spring through the pink version. These two G2F color schemes are especially suited to springtime, while the 6 types and 18 different face-beautifying modes and low-light/nighttime beautifying feature make it easy to capture delightful photographs. The G2F also offers WiFi sharing, a feature that was explained through a video tutorial. The two events featuring exclusive videos themed around popular topics have together convinced thousands of young women to share their love of the G2F and its use as a fashion accessory. We invite you to view the exciting videos for yourself at the following link:


