2013年10月15日 星期二

秀出真我 一鍵即發 BenQGH680F智能相機中國評測 (BenQ GH680F reviews in China)

在這個多元化的時代,拍照的方式絕對不會是唯一的,但追求的美卻是我們共同的目標。BenQ GH680F的出現不僅給予我們捕捉到更高更遠更好畫質的需求,同時添加的無線模組使得隨拍隨分享變成可能,且從目前各數碼廠商積極開發這一塊的情況來看,無線傳輸分享也是數碼相機今後的趨勢,而BenQ GH680F把握了時機,從而為消費者提供更便捷更美好的加值服務體驗。

In this era of diversification, not only one way taking pictures , but the pursuit of beauty is our common goal. BenQ GH680F appears not only give us a better picture quality to capture the demand for higher and further, while adding a wireless module makes it possible to share with the film with, and present the digital manufacturers from which a positive development of the situation, the wireless transfer and sharing function is also future trends. BenQ GH680F seize the opportunity, providing consumers with more convenient and better value-added service experience.

