2013年10月15日 星期二

BenQ China多點觸控互動短焦 BenQTW820ST投影圖賞 (BenQ TW820ST product photos shows up at China)

BenQ TW820ST具備高亮度、高對比、支持多種3D格式等特點,搭配外置互動控模組可輕鬆實現觸控互動教學演示,此外該機還採用BenQ最新SmartEco LampCare技術,省電高達80%,顯著延長傳統燈泡使用壽命到10000小時。這就免去了投影機需要經常更換燈泡的煩惱,也為學校大大降低綜合使用成本,因此BenQTW820ST是各大中院校教學演示的理想投影選擇機型。

BenQ TW820ST with high brightness, high contrast, support for multiple 3D formats and other characteristics, interaction with external control module can easily touch interactive teaching demonstration, in addition it also uses the latest SmartEco LampCare BenQ technology, saving up to 80%, significantly extend the traditional lamp life to 10,000 hours. This eliminates the need for frequent replacement projector bulbs troubles, but also greatly reduce the overall use of school costs, BenQ TW820ST major universities teaching demonstration is an ideal choice projection models.

