2012年12月13日 星期四

明基三豐參加德國MEDICA醫療展,廣受各界好評 (BenQ Medical Tech at 2012 MEDICA)

明基三豐於2012.11.14~17參加於德國杜賽道夫所舉辦全球最大的醫療展,展出的產品包含最新科技的TriLite LS800 LED手術燈、同時兼具低檯面高度與平移功能的TriMax 650NS微創手術台與滿足各式手術需求的Dr. Max 7000 及TriMax TS710 電動油壓手術台,展會中聚集了來自全球30多個國家上百位的代理商參訪,對明基三豐的技術性、多樣性與臨床實用性均給予極高的評價,同時也吸引了取多歐美大廠的目光,對於集團進軍醫療產業的實力與企圖心更是一次絕佳的展現。集團的大家長 – KY亦親臨此次的盛會,會中也進一步指示應加強整合集團內資源的運用,讓醫療事業能更快的在世界舞台發光發熱。

BenQ Medical Technology attended 2012 MEDICA in Germany from Nov. 14 to 17, displayed serial products, including the latest surgical light – TriLite LS800 LED and surgical table:TriMax 650 NS, which provides the height from 530mm to 1,010mm、Dr. Max 7000, which can fulfill numerous surgical requirement and TriMax TS710, the longitudinal sliding can be 700~1,040mm.
MEDICA crowding more than 30 countries and hundreds of agents, who gave us highly comment on our technology、versatility and practicality. At the same time, we attracted several Western companies; it was definitely a good opportunity to show our strength and ambition to having a position in medical industry. Our Chairman - K.Y. Lee also attended this exhibition, gave command to strengthen the combination of group recourse, make BenQ Medical Technology Corp. get more famous on global market.

