2012年12月13日 星期四

2012-2013 BenQ LCD中國經銷商大會圓滿落幕 (BenQ meeting for LCD monitor distributors in China a resounding success)

11月19-21日,BenQ LCD全國經銷商大會在福建廈門順利舉行!在這3天的會議裡,我們與經銷商一起共同探討突破性的佳績案例,一同分享新的產品規劃和經營策略。此外,更共同領略感受廈門之美,讓我們一同享花開,同富貴,邁向花開富貴的2013年!

From 19 to 21 November, BenQ’s national meeting for LCD monitor distributors took place in Xiamen, Fujian Province in China. During the three days of the meeting, we discussed breakthrough success stories with distributors, sharing new product roadmaps and business strategies. In addition, we enjoyed the beauty of Xiamen, as we looked ahead to a prosperous 2013.

