2016年3月23日 星期三

BenQ家用投影機獲亞太地區意見領袖好評(Key influencer’s Recommendation for W2000 Rec. 709 PRJ in Feb.)

BenQ W2000在韓國獲得Note Forum雜誌好評,也在泰國獲得LCDTVThailand的推薦。其色彩表現、低噪音等特色,是極為適合家用影音功能的機種。

W2000 in-depth review was on air on “Note Forum” in Feb.. W2000 is fully introduced and it gave very positive comments in this article; W2000 can offer an immersive cinema experience with nice color reproduction that director intended, richful audio and video features and easy OSD & installation.
W2000 review plus one video review was on air on “LCDTVThailand” in Feb. The editor appreciated W2000’s accuracy color performance with Rec.709 but also highlight
it’s low fan noise – 27dBA under Eco mode which is so quiet to ensure audio experience is uninterrupted.
See video review: https://youtu.be/PBhqTgjlfM4

