2016年3月23日 星期三
BenQ在歐洲贊助多項電競活動 (Gaming monitor product sponsoring in Europe)
BenQ在歐洲贊助多項電競活動,與夥伴Budda Play合作贊助波蘭的Challenge Winter 2016、RUS Offensive、Capital Cup,提升品牌聲量。
Gaming monitor product sponsoring in co-op with Budda Play at Challenge Winter 2016 gaming event in Plonsk, Poland
CS:GO tournament “CHALLENGE e-Sport winter 2016
in coop with BuddaPlay
Feb 6 & 7 in Plonsk
Product placements of XL2430T & XL2420Z for tournament
Movie: https://www.facebook.com/PlonskEsportChallenge/videos/1563484680608621
Gaming monitor product sponsoring in co-op with Budda Play at PRUS Offensive gaming event in Siedlce, Poland
CS:GO tournament “PRUS Offensive” in coop with BuddaPlay
Feb 13 & 14 in Siedlce
Product placements of XL2430T & XL2420Z and TH682ST for tournament and public viewing
Gaming monitor product sponsoring in co-op with Budda Play at Capital Cup gaming event in Warsaw, Poland
CS:GO tournament “Capital Cup” organized by Piotr "neqs" Lipski in Warsaw at BuddaPlay and LIVE Online stream
Feb 13 & 14
Product Placement of XL2430T & XL2420Z and BL3201 & BL2420U for live online production
3,900 online stream unique viewers, 144,600 online hits,
4418 peak stream viewers
After movie: https://youtu.be/CY8cXzmxndY
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