BenQ日前參與秘魯最大的電競盛會Masgamer Tech Festival VIII,共有40個品牌齊聚一堂共同展出電競相關產品。BenQ成功展出曲面電競螢幕XR3501,邀請現場民眾體驗最新曲面螢幕帶來的臨場震撼,並且提供XL系列電競螢幕獨家主持最受歡迎的Dota2賽事。
BenQ成功的於秘魯電競展會中打響BenQ電競螢幕品牌,不論是Dota2的賽事,或是與當地最受歡迎的社群名人Lucy Weird合作的現場活動都成功吸引眾多人群,成為現場最多人佇足體驗的展區,更有多家的當地媒體採訪BenQ,陸續已有多則媒體露出。此次活動成功邀請了400人加入拉美地區的臉書,同時收集到800筆的顧客資料,將做為BenQ未來拉美行銷活動的資料庫。
Masgamer Tech Festival VIII is the well- known event for gamers in Peru which invites
more than forty brands in the industry to create the most exciting gaming space for end users. BenQ is the exclusive brand to hold Dota2 tournament paired with XL series gaming monitor to create the ultimate gaming experience. The 1st curved gaming monitor XR3501 was also debuted in the show at the experience zone for people to try. With the successful Dota2 tournament and in-booth activities with Lucy Weird, the most popular influencer as well as Dota2 gamer in Peru, BenQ booth is the only place packed with people all the time. There were also numerous local medias interviewed BenQ. The media exposure in Peru is expected more in the coming days. During the show, Latam Facebook has been activated successfully and attracted 400 LIKEs in three days. We also have collected 800 leads which will be filed up for future customer maintenance.