2015年11月11日 星期三

為BenQ電競,為玩家組織! (BenQ continues moves to promote e-sports and appeal to gamers)

2015年10月18日至25日,英雄聯盟S5賽事期間,BenQ電競館蘇州臨頓路店組織系列觀戰與水友賽活動,與玩家全面互動,開啟BenQ電競狂歡節的大幕!BenQ電競館,不僅用專業設備為玩家提供陽光電競平臺,更讓玩家感受多種電競活動的氛圍 。

From October 18 to 25, in the midst of the League of Legends season, BenQ’s e-sports center on Fuzhou’s Lindun Road hosted special friendly matches and organized match viewing where we could interact more fully with gamers, and kick off our gaming carnival. BenQ’s e-sports center not only offers specialized equipment to give gamers the best e-sports platform, but also creates the appropriate ambience to rouse enthusiasm for various gaming events.

