BenQ台灣區繼領先推出不閃屏及低藍光護眼系列產品後,2015年護眼螢幕再進化,獨家推出智慧藍光液晶顯示器,運用最新技術,透過獨家背光模組技術、軟體調校與VA高對比面板,萃取出對視力友善的長波藍光,護眼同時更能兼顧色彩準確性,適合各種型式的運用與情境。記者會首創三界-產界、學界、醫界結合,讓螢幕的護眼領域大幅度跨足,活動特別邀請哈佛眼科總院長- 呂俊憲醫師與台大物理系碩士名師-李鋒,各自以其專業的角度來分享藍光在物理上的特色與對眼睛的影響,用最貼近一般消費者的語言來讓現場媒體感同身受的,進一步傳遞智慧藍光的產品特色。
After leading the way with the flicker-free low blue light eye-protective Eye-care monitor series, BenQ Taiwan is taking eye-protective monitors to the next level with our one-of-a-kind smart blue light LCD monitors. By taking advantage of our proprietary backlight module technology, software-based calibration, and high-contrast VA-LCD panels, these monitors extract eye-friendly long-wavelength blue light. As a result, they are able to not only protect a user's eyes, but also ensure accurate colors, making them well suited to any usage scenario and environment. The new monitors were launched at a press event as innovative displays aimed particularly at users in the business, education, and health care fields, greatly expanding the reach of eye-protective monitors. Special guests at the event were Harvard Vision Center president Paul Lu and popular teacher Lee Feng, with a master’s degree in physics from National Taiwan University, each drawing on his own professional perspective in explaining the physical characteristics of blue light and its effect on the eyes. They used everyday language to enable assembled journalists to understand the importance of this issue, and further highlighted the features of our new smart blue light products.
Besides the appearances by these two experts in the field, a spectrometer was used at the venue to test the blue light wavelengths produced by the monitors, and this vivid live demonstration helped reporters and editors to understand that BenQ's smart blue light monitors do in fact extract eye-friendly blue light while ensuring a high color rendering index (CRI). This combination of qualities is something that only a premium monitor brand that is committed to both protecting users' eyes and preserving color accuracy can achieve.
The prospect of information on a novel and sophisticated product attracted media attendance at the event, which was followed by extensive coverage.