2015年1月26日 星期一
BenQ專業顯示器參展北京2014 AWS技術峰會 (BenQ’s pro monitors shown at Beijing’s AWS tech summit)
2014 亞馬遜AWS技術峰會於12月12日在北京國際飯店會議中心盛大舉辦。AWS攜手合作夥伴和客戶為到場嘉賓展示一系列最新產品及服務,分享客戶的成功案例及實踐經驗,交流國內外最新技術。BenQ攜手友商英偉達和麗台科技參展,BL系列27寸專業顯示器參展本活動,現場產品彩頁很快被領取完畢。
The Amazon Web Services tech summit for 2014 took place on December 12 in the Beijing International Hotel Convention Center. The Amazon Web Services team joined forces with partners and customers to present a series of new products and services to attendees. They also shared customers’ success stories and real-world experiences, exchanging know-how on the latest technologies developed both domestically and overseas. BenQ exhibited at the event with our own partners, Nvidia and Leadtek, showing the BL series 27" monitors, and the product brochures for the product were quickly distributed.
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