2016年4月19日 星期二

BenQ WiT產品於亞太曝光 (BQkr WiT / QIS Digital Marketing)

BenQ WiT檯燈在日本樂天百貨展出,吸引關注孩子健康的媽媽們。

WiT Display Exhibition in Lotte Department Store
Introduce BenQ new Eye-Care Stand WiT to customers
Target : Moms who care children’s eyes
Partner : Moim Company (new disty of WiT)
Period :  3/5 ~ 3/7
Location : Lotte Department Store Paju
Link : http://benq4ever.blog.me/220649171747 
WiT was displayed in Lotte department store in 3 days
One BenQ monitor (EW2750ZL) displayed together and showed BenQ WiT video in the display period.
TTL 10unit of  WiT were sold in this event period.
Also introduced in BenQ FB and Blog
See the next slide

