2016年4月19日 星期二

BenQ贊助亞太電競活動 (BQP APAC Tournaments)

BenQ為了推廣Zowie  by BenQ的能見度,在亞太地區贊助電競活動,包括印度、中東、土耳其等地曝光產品。

To further show dedication in eSports, ZOWIE “a brand by BenQ” gives back to community by sponsoring in local tournaments.
Time Frame: March
Monitor Used for tournaments

  • XL Series to experience benefits of 144Hz eSports Monitor


  • India: Clan Wars Season 5
  • UAE: Legends Games Tournament 3 Launch
  • Turkey: Zocco Gaming Café & Ekstra Gaming Arena – CS:GO Tournament 

Total Participants

  • Over 500

