2015年9月17日 星期四

BenQ參加墨西哥的校園派對活動展出電競螢幕與投影機系列產品 (BenQ Showcased Gaming Monitors and Projectors in 2015 Campus Party, Mexico)

BenQ參與了墨西哥盛大的Campus Party活動,此活動邀請了世界上重要的電玩家、發明家、製造商、網路名人等齊聚一堂來參與體驗2015年最新的科技產品。BenQ在此活動中與策略夥伴Gigabyte, Kingston 跟Logitech合作,一同介紹BenQ完整的電競螢幕產品線包括全球最大曲率電競螢幕XR3501與TH/W系列投影機給各領域的菁英與業主,展會中精彩打造的電競館更是成功吸引許多消費者親臨體驗產品。

Campus Party invites specialists all over the world such as gamers, developers, makers, scientists, influencers, entrepreneurs and internet enthusiasts to come together in one space to enjoy the latest technology in 2015. BenQ partnered with Gigabyte, Kingston and Logitech to offer complete PC gaming solution (XL and RL series), showcased BenQ’s outstanding gaming monitors XR series (XR3501) for racing game and projectors TH and W series for console game to create the most exciting gaming environment in the show. The community of Campus Party recorded 16 million followers on Twitter, 438 million fans on Facebook and 41,300 on YouTube.

