2015年6月15日 星期一

明基醫院5月老年科長青會康樂營暨《明基健康行動》金色家園健康社區簽約儀式圓滿舉行 (BenQ Medical Center holds event for seniors, hosts signing ceremony for new residential community)

本次活動由姑蘇區心理健康指導與服務中心的陳旭中老師主持,陳老師自退休後奔走于蘇州各個社區老年服務中心,作為志願者與 老年人交朋友,幫助老年人們解決心理上的一些煩惱。在本次的康樂營活動中陳老師也受到老年科爺爺奶奶的歡迎,幽默、親和的談吐,深受老人們的喜愛。


This event was hosted by Chen Xu-zhong of Suzhou's Gusu District Psychological Counseling Center. Since his retirement, Chen has tirelessly visited senior citizen service centers in various parts of Suzhou, volunteering his time and befriending seniors while helping them resolve psychological issues. During the health-themed event, Chen was warmly welcomed by seniors, then spoke humorously and empathetically, demonstrating why he is so beloved among community seniors.

To conclude the event, a ceremony took place at which the contract for the first "BenQ Health Campaign" health community, the Golden Home Community, was signed. Zhong Wei-guo, director of the Golden Home Community and BenQ Foundation vice secretary Li Bin-jin did the actual signing.

