2014年6月18日 星期三

「Vivid Sydney閃耀雪梨」BenQ投影機共襄盛舉 ([Australia] BenQ projectors shine in VIVID Sydney)

BenQ投影機共同參與了今年的「Vivid Sydney閃耀雪梨」音樂燈光晚會,華麗的應用令人目不暇給。

VIVID Sydney is a unique annual event of light, music and ideas, featuring many creative industry forums, a mesmerizing free public exhibition of outdoor lighting sculptures and installations. This year, VIVID Sydney is from May 23rd to Jun 9th and BenQ projectors are shining in this festival.
The first project is “Graffiti me”, an interactive projection that engages the community in beautifying the urban environment. PX9600 x2 are being used at this location.
Images of patrons are projected onto the surface of the wall through scripting techniques and our projectors. This allows patrons to become part of the artwork, while sharing the experience with the audience.

