2014年4月15日 星期二

BenQ 台灣區投影機展示專區進駐零售通路,體驗小空間大畫面的魅力!(BenQ Taiwan sets up exclusive projector areas in retail stores where consumers can experience the delights of our short-throw projectors)

BenQ 投影機廣受消費者肯定與支持,為讓更多消費者了解BenQ 投影機的短焦投影優勢及高畫質、大畫面的魅力,陸續在零售連鎖通路設置BenQ 投影機展示專區,方便有興趣的消費者親身體驗「小空間,大畫面」的驚喜!

BenQ projectors have won broad favor among consumers, and to enable even more to understand the advantages of BenQ projectors’ short-throw projection technology and their high-resolution video, as well as the appeal of big-picture viewing, we are setting up exclusive BenQ projector display areas in retail chain outlets. These areas provide a convenient way for interested consumers to experience first-hand the delights of “small space, big picture” viewing.

