2014年4月15日 星期二

BenQ W7500獲澳洲媒體好評 (Reinforce the demand of W7500 in Australia)

BenQ W7500獲Gadget澳洲好評,不僅介紹出色的顯示性能並且強調即將到來的世界盃中家庭育樂的需求,提升消費者對BenQ W7500的好感與渴望。

To warm up for the upcoming world cup season, BenQ Australia reinforced W7500 product marketing in March, which was generating a nice amount of interest.
The news message not only introduce the excellent video performance of W7500, also reinforce the demand of home entertainment upgrade before the biggest world’s football event – World Cup 2014, it’s a nice approach to hit the target and start to warm up the following video projector campaign in June.
“With the World Cup around the corner, sports enthusiasts are probably gearing up for total immersion inside their own home if they can’t afford the plane ticket. Projectors might offer the best way to make that happen, and with that in mind BenQ has released a premium projector for picture that matters.”…by Gadget guy.

