2014年4月15日 星期二

BenQ家用投影機獲得韓國媒體好評 (Good exposures for video projector in Korea)

BenQ W1070、W1400獲得韓國知名3C部落客的好評,他由高性能、超短焦、3D支援三個部分來給予W1070產品積極正面的評價。

Professional blogger reviews for W1070
BenQ Korea invited a professional 3C blogger to experience BenQ W1070 and to write a detailed review article on Naver blog. He introduced W1070 by different articles and explained the product benefits of W1070 by 3 angles: “Brilliant video performance” “Short-throw ability” and “New 3D support”. Overall he was satisfied with W1070 projection performance and gave positive comments.

Media review of W1400 from DVD Prime
In the review article, W1400’s 2D to 3D performance, big projection image, great improvement of noise level, brightness and simple yet durable design were much admired.  The editor commended that W1400 is a good choice to enjoy home entertainment in Full HD 3D.

