2014年3月16日 星期日

IEM8巴西校園電競派對,BenQ熱力四射(BenQ IEM 8 Campus Party at Brazil)

BenQ做為英特爾極限大師賽第8季IEM8的主要贊助廠商,提供200台 XL系列電競顯示器做為競賽用機,也參加了1月28日到2月1日在巴西舉辦的電競校園派對,鞏固與當地電競玩家的關係。

BenQ participated in the IEM 8 (Intel Extreme Masters – Season 8) as one of its top and main sponsors. The IEM are a series of international e-sports tournaments held all over the world.  BenQ provided 200 XL Series monitors in total, including the ones used in Brazil.  The event took place on January 28th to February 1st.  It had over 204,921 concurrent live and stream viewers

