2014年3月17日 星期一

BenQ台灣區 與優質偶像劇合作 (BenQ Taiwan works with producers of acclaimed local TV series)

BenQ 與三立電視台八點檔偶像劇-女人30 情定水舞間合作,將BenQ包含智慧型手機、大型液晶、夜自拍相機與平板電腦等產品融入與劇情中,藉由劇情的發展,將產品特性潛移默化至觀看者的心裡,達成行銷效果並提升消費者對BenQ品牌產品的認知!

BenQ Taiwan worked with the producers of the popular Fabulous 30/Love in The House of Dancing Water TV series on the local SET television channel, gaining product placement for our smartphones, large-screen flat panel TVs, nighttime self-portrait camera, and tablets. These products’ features are integral to the unfolding storyline, thereby vividly conveying these features to viewers, achieving both marketing objectives and greater consumer understanding of the BenQ brand.

