2014年3月17日 星期一

BenQ接受亞太科技媒體採訪 ([Korea] Adrian’s interviews on IT Donga & Media it)

BenQ接受亞太科技媒體IT Donga 與 Media it採訪,Adrian暢談BenQ由消費電子品牌到生活品牌,開發更多產品的歷程,包括醫療設備,企業解決方案等。

Mr. Adrian Chang, the President of BenQ Asia Pacific Corporation, was interviewed on the 24th of February by 2 major media in Seoul. In the interviews Adrian shared the new BenQ philosophy from a consumer electronics brand to a LIFE brand. More products including medical devices, enterprise solutions and so on that matter to people are being developed. In regard to the progress of BenQ in Korea, BenQ target at a more specific user profile by providing products such as gaming, CAD/CAM, Colour management monitors and education projectors.

