2013年8月11日 星期日

BenQ Solar參加ISNA北美展 (BenQ Solar participated in 2013 Intersolar North America)

2013 Intersolar North America 於2013年7月9~11日在美國的舊金山舉辦,友達光電以BenQ Solar 的品牌參加,展出的展品包括了住宅型解決方案- AC Unison PM250MA0、安裝整合型方案- PM245P01與商用型解決方案 PM250M01。在這次展覽上,特別強調Total Solution的概念,並展示了我們在美國住宅市場耕耘的結果。目前我們AC Unison 的總安裝數已經達到了388個家戶,引起了許多參觀者的興趣;而攤位設計巧妙的運用獨特的品牌紫色作搭配,讓BenQ Solar在眾多展商中更顯獨樹一格。與去年相比,多蒐集到許多專案市場的潛在客戶資料,有助於提高BenQ Solar 在北美市場的能見度。

2013 Intersolar North America , from July 9th to 11th, was held in San Francisco in the United States.  AU Optronics participates as BenQ Solar brand, and the display products include Residential Solution-AC Unison PM250MA0, Integrated Mounting Solution-PM245P01 and Commercial Solution PM250M01.  In this exhibition, we emphasize Total Solution concept and stress on our achievements in the U.S. Residential Market.  The total numbers of AC Unison installations reached 388 households,. The BenQ Solar booth with unique purple color attracted the attention of many visitors. Compared to last year, we collected more project market potential customers’ information that could help to improve BenQ Solar visibility in the North American market.

