2013年8月13日 星期二

BenQ 參加澳洲電競活動 (BenQ Gaming event participation in Australia)

七月裡,BenQ 在澳洲各大城市參與三場電競活動,超過4800位玩家前來現場共襄盛舉。

In July, BenQ Australia participated in 3 gaming events in different cities. Over 4,800 attendees were attracted to physical events and 700+ viewers were reached via Live Streaming.

Regional Gamers LAN - July 5th-6th in Mildura 
The Regional Gamers LAN (RGL) was formed several years ago to cater to console gamers in remote regions of Australia. Usually this event draws between 150-200 people from farming communities, regional townships and small areas surrounding Melbourne. They host Call of Duty and Formula 1 racing competitions, with prizes provided by several smaller Australian sponsors. BenQ Australia provided 8 units of XL2420T for competition and gamers appreciated 120Hz and height adjustability features.

Monash Computer Games Boot Camp - July 6th-12nd in Melbourne
Monash Computer Games Boot Camp (CGBC) is a Monash University initiative, designed to reward and encourage students who may be interested in working in IT or gaming fields. Successful figures, journalists and vendors were all invited to speak in public at the event to share their experiences in the field. It initially provided students who enjoyed playing games with an event where they could express their interests and meet like-minded individuals. BenQ Australia cooperated with Thermaltake to support 8 units of XL2420T for free-play area and around 2,500 students stopped in at the event over the week to partake in games, giveaways and presentations from industry figureheads.

Oz Comic Con – July 5th-6th in Melbourne
Australian Comic Con follows in the footsteps of its older brother in the US, bringing together notable comic artists, celebrities, gamers and ‘geek’ cultures. The organization hosts events in multiple states across Australia, drawing between 3,000-5,000 per stop. Gaming was introduced to these events last year and has become a mainstay of the event – it is worth noting the cosplay efforts of attendees for popular such as League of Legends, Starcraft and Marvel vs. Street Fighter. BenQ Australia cooperated with ShadowLogic to supply RL2450HT and GW2760HS for Call of Duty and Street Fighter free-play area and many console gamers were satisfied with GW2760HS performance.

