2013年7月14日 星期日

BenQ河南CF大賽終極挑戰賽 (BenQ organizes Cross Fire gaming tournament in Henan Province, China)

BenQ河南“穿越火線”大賽終極挑戰賽,在2013年6月28日在鄭州市聚點網吧火熱開打! CF玩家們在大賽現場與各路英雄好漢比武過招、切磋技藝,直至贏得冠亞季軍榮譽頭銜和獎金,更一睹CF傳奇名將白鯊的真容,並向CF職業戰隊EP Cherry發起挑戰!本次活動吸引包括專業電競團隊在內的12支隊伍參加,現場對戰激烈,尤其是冠亞軍爭奪戰及冠軍和白鯊過招的細節更是精彩至極,吸引數名粉絲駐足觀看。

On 28 June, BenQ held a Cross Fire gaming tournament at a popular Internet cafe in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou, Henan Province. Cross Fire aficionados matched wits and tested skills against each other until finally a champion, runner-up, and third-place winner emerged and received their prizes. Another attraction was a personal appearance by legendary Cross Fire ace “White Shark”, who challenged pro team EP Cherry to a match. The event drew 12 teams, including dedicated e-sports teams, to compete. Spectators followed the action intently, responding with special enthusiasm to the championship match and the incredible gameplay when the champions and “White Shark” faced off, with several fans stepping in close so as not to miss the smallest details.

