2013年7月14日 星期日

BenQ GW2760HS不閃屏星馬地區宣傳 (Flicker-free Monitor PR Launch in Malaysia)


BenQ Malaysia held a media event on June 18th to officially introduce flicker-free monitors to media and bloggers. Over 25 media/bloggers attended this event and most of attendees were impressed by flicker-free technology and would like to buy one for themselves. Considering most IT users in Malaysia don’t sense that the symptoms of CVS may cause long-term damage to the eyes, BenQ Malaysia invited a qualified guest speaker - Murphy Chan, the President of the Association of Malaysian Optometrists to present CVS to all attendees. Followed by PM’s product introduction and live demo, it’s much easier to convince consumers why they need a flicker-free monitor to reduce eye fatigue.

