2013年5月13日 星期一

BenQ參加哥倫比亞DLP投影機會議 (BenQ participated Colombia DLP Forum in April 2013)

四月BenQ拉丁美洲業務區參加德州儀器舉行的DLP投影機會議,邀請經銷零售商以及各大品牌分享DLP技術,我們演示BenQ 目前的DLP以及3D投影應用。也藉此機會培養與經銷零售商的關係。

Event organized by Texas Instrument. The resellers were invited and the main speakers were: Nec, Viewsonic, Dell and BenQ.
We demonstrated how DLP technology works, the 3D projection and BenQ had the opportunity to interact with the resellers.

