2013年5月13日 星期一

BenQ China「春意盎然 好彩頭」華北春促活動分享 (BenQ China celebrates springs with sales promotions in northern China)


From 23 March to 25 April, we organized several spring sales promotions tuned to different regions and store types in northern China.
Zhaoyang: The focus was on retail sales. With tight budgets, we stimulated sales internally, initiating sales competitions.
Xuri: Our focus was on distribution sales rather than sales to consumers. With most sales drawn from sales to PC assembly outfits in computer malls, we worked on incentivizing such stores to promote the use of BenQ midrange to high-end monitors as system displays.
Jiuchuang: The focus was on retail sales. In order to drive consumer traffic into stores and increase the number of completed sales transactions, twelve main franchisees in Tianjin promoted BenQ midrange and high-end monitors by offering a free lunch box with a purchase, increasing satisfaction among both retailers and consumers.

