2013年5月13日 星期一

BenQ數位相機中國精彩網路呈現 (BenQ digital cameras generating exciting buzz online in China)

在中國,自明基數碼相機G1和明基長焦機GH800在去年被媒體和用戶們廣譽為「自拍神器」和「國產最強長焦機」以來,獲得了產品體驗/功能使用方面的深度認可。本月度為加強產品概念的深入,產品特性與競品的區隔,分別從論壇BBS、百度知道、百度貼吧、新聞評論等方面深入輿論氛圍。傳播期間重點配合了「模力女孩」活動的推廣,結合了漫畫創意做趣味傳播, 在BenQ阿基獅微博平臺進行發佈,增強網路傳播的多維互動。

In China, since last year when BenQ’s G1 and GH800 were first held up by the media and users as an exemplary “self-portrait camera” and “strongest domestically produced high-zoom camera”, respectively, these cameras have been extensively praised in product hands-ons and feature testing. To reinforce the product message, demonstrating the cameras’ features and how they are differentiated from rival products, BenQ is contributing to BBS discussion boards, the Baidu online encyclopedia, and news forums. During the broadcast period, it is highlighting points promoted in the model search competition, incorporating ideas from graphic novels to liven up broadcasts, while announcing everything on the Weibo microblogging site, strengthening various means of online interaction surrounding the broadcast.

