2012年8月14日 星期二

BenQ Smart Classroom Camp順利成功 (BenQ Smart Classroom Camp a rousing success)

8/10於總部舉辦的BenQ Smart Classroom Camp順利成功,17位小朋友們透過自己動手做的3D立體眼鏡和投影機的活動,體驗到將科技融入學習中的過程,藉由愉快的活動拉近了企業和孩子們的距離,實踐關懷社會的BenQ CSR。

On 10 August, the BenQ Smart Classroom Camp at headquarters came off successfully. Seventeen children used 3D glasses they had made themselves and a projector to experience of incorporating technology into the learning process. The fun activity brought the company and children closer, another manifestation of BenQ’s CSR commitment.

