2012年8月13日 星期一

BenQ China冠軍之路系列論壇試用活動點擊量超45000次 (BenQ China’s hands-on event for “The Way of Champion” series products draws attention on online discussion forums)

BenQ China冠軍之路系列論壇試用活動經過1個多月的時間正式落幕。本次活動在PCeva、超能網、pcinlife 3個硬體論壇舉行,收到了70多位活網友的積極報名,從中精選出 27名網友參與試用KX890天機鏡機械鍵盤和X300雷神遊戲主機殼,總共發佈試用文章33篇,活動相關文章總點擊量超過45,000次,回復數量超過1,200人次(含活動徵集帖及試用帖),其中6篇帖子在論壇中點擊量超過了1000次,並成為論壇熱帖。 參與本次試用的網友中不乏版主、論壇資深大蝦,玩家們通過真實的產品體驗,對冠軍之路產品給出了最真實的體驗感受。有網友說KX890是他“至今為止最想要收藏的一把黑軸機械鍵盤”;PCeva的一位網友在短短7天的體驗期內,親手為產品進行手繪側板,對X300的充滿了DIY的熱情。

After more than a month, BenQ China’s hands-on event for “The Way of Champion” series officially ended. The event was publicized on a number of popular hardware discussion forums such as PCeva, and drew registrations from more than 70 members of the online community. From these registrants, BenQ selected 27 to participate in a hands-on trial of the KX890 mechanical keyboard and X300 gaming system chassis. A total of 33 hands-on reviews were published, and articles related to the event received more than 45,000 page views. More than 1,200 posts were made, with six posts receiving more than 1000 views on the discussion forum, becoming a “hot” topic thereby. Participants in the hands-on trial included site administrators and discussion forum veterans. After gamers experienced the products first-hand, they provided the most authentic response to the experience. One said that the KX890 is “the black-themed mechanical keyboard that I most want to collect.” A PCeva community member used the seven brief days of the hands-on to hand-draw ornamentation of the side panel, expressing his DIYer’s passion for the X300.

