2012年7月16日 星期一

明基三豐明星機種,TriLite LS800 Series熱銷上市!(New Generation LED Surgical Light !)

明基三豐醫療器材設計製造多功能手術台及手術燈,擁有超過二十年經驗的明基三豐,於本月正式推出新產品, TriLite LS800 手術燈系列。TriLite LS800是明基三豐醫療在整合過往二十年經驗及市場臨床需求後,發展出的全新LED無影手術燈,傳承自傳統鹵素多光源的光學設計、導入全新的葉片外型設計,五片(或三片)的整合發光葉片、超高辨色度LED、先進且符合層流設計的外型,透過使用者體驗的設計角度,TriLite LS800提供絕佳的臨床光學能力及先進的技術,滿足手術團隊對光的嚴格要求、也能讓團隊在長時間的操刀環境下有更舒適的光野。

BenQ Medical integrated past 20 years of experience and clinical needs to develop TriLite LS800. This new LED shadow less surgical light has new blade shape design inherited from the optical design of the traditional halogen light source, and five (or three) of the integrated light-emitting leaves, ultra-high color vision LEDs, and advanced appearance of the laminar flow design. Through the perspective of the user experience design, TriLite LS800 provides excellent clinical optical capabilities and advanced technology to meet the surgeons’ requirements. Last but not least, this surgical light also helps the team work in a comfortable environment. Thanks to the compact innovative light head can make great maneuverability and effortless positioning.

