2012年7月23日 星期一

BenQ China【希望閱讀】5月導讀活動分享 & 圖書募集行動 (BenQ China’s “Reading for Hope” reading and book collection event for May)

經過精心的準備,志工們帶著精心準備的活動再次來到木瀆外來人員子女友好小學,本次將結合五一勞動節,帶給同學們一堂勞動課程,生動的海狸故事,有歌有舞有口號,同學們知道我們要用自己的雙手建造美好的家園。最會做家務的小狗,引得大家陣陣驚歎,原來,只要有心,隨手可以做很多的家務事,自己的事情自己做。天氣暖和了,戶外運動的沙包也可以自己完成,發揮小小的創意,身邊不起眼的舊物,就可以變成運動的好夥伴啦。在愛做夢的童年時光裡,會因為自己的每一個小小實踐,而將夢想變成現實。另外,為鼓勵大家閱讀,協助友好小學籌建閱覽室,BenQ China發起了圖書捐贈活動,號召大家為小朋友們奉獻一份支持,所有適合幼稚園到初三學生閱讀的書籍均可捐贈,熱情的同仁們或拿出學生時代的藏書、或是家中小朋友分享的書籍,每天都會有新奇有趣的書籍加入。
After careful preparation, volunteers ventured once again to an elementary school to read to schoolchildren. This time, the event coincided with China’s Labor Day, so the volunteers came ready with a lesson about labor. The lively story of a certain beaver—complete with songs, dances, and slogans—helped students understand that we must build a wonderful home with our own hands. The children marveled at the story’s dog character, most diligent when it came to household chores. They discovered that if only one has the will, many household tasks can be done easily, without relying on others. We can make the sandbags used for outdoor activities as the weather warms, also providing an opportunity for a little creativity. The old items lying around that never warranted attention can be turned into great exercise props. We love to dream as children, and we can turn dreams into reality by taking action. In addition, to encourage everyone to read, we are helping the school to build a reading room. BenQ China initiated a donation event, calling for everyone to support the children by donating books suitable for children from kindergarten age to third grade. Eager colleagues donated books from their own school years, or books that their own children wished to share. Every day, interesting books were added to the collection.

