2012年7月22日 星期日

BenQ在俄羅斯多所學校裝設藍光投影機 (BQru BlueCore Laser pilot program installation)

BenQ在俄羅斯多所學校裝設藍光投影機!安裝活動與當地經銷商合作,展現我們已經具有「ready-made solution」的投影解決方案實力!

l   Russian State University Higher School of Economics (HSE) Social Sciences & Management Natural Sciences Engineering & Technology Arts & Humanities link

l   World University Rank (TOP 551-600) link and  TOP 10 Russian financial university.  HSE was founded in 1992 and in October 2011 registered more 12,000 undergraduate students are studying at the HSE in Moscow. The HSE has 3 regional branches: St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Perm link   

l   We have agreement with one of the BenQ official projectors distributor in Russia “Laserny mir” (this name means the laser world) to participate and help us in this installation. So the “Laserny mir” provide us with Classic Solution Screen 16:9 and Ceiling Mount. Head of Sales department “Laserny mir”  company Elena Odintsova supervise this installation.

l   The latest news with BenQ Laser Core photo report from “Laserny mir” website link

l   Why this school and distributor, because we decide to install Laser Core Prj at the best-known Russian universities in Moscow (two units), Novosibirsk, Siberia region (one unit) and Kazan, Volga region (one unit) as promo. And HSE installation was the first our report. We are still waiting photo and reports from this higher schools. The “Laserny mir” company more than twenty years provide in Russia audio, video and home cinema professional solutions.

BlueCore Laser projector installation in the Higher School of Economics in Moscow ! installation was done in cooperation with ‘Laserny mir’ which is the biggest PRJ distributor in Russia. Please take this good example as reference for your local BlueCore Laser pilot programs.

And the second BlueCore Laser installation in Russia. Next to the installation in the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, BQru shared with me the installation at the Novosibirsk State University. Please find below and attached the pictures of the installation. This installation was executed in cooperation with ‘Technocity’ distributor.

The third BlueCore Laser pilot program installation in Russia. This installation is executed at the Kazan State Medical Academy in Kazan which is one of the biggest and famous higher medical education institutes in Russia. The installation was done in cooperation with Giga Line dealer. For this installation a ‘ready-made solution’ was initiated which included an interactive Panaboard UB-T780 (77'') and a Classic wall mount solution. 

