2012年6月11日 星期一

BenQ中國業務區攜手遊戲風雲頻道全力支援K1電視聯賽 (BenQ China sales region joins with gaming channel to support K1 TV league matches)

Originally a professional CS gamer, Gamefy marketing director Shen Wei-rong was deeply impressed with his first experience using BenQ’s second-generation gaming monitor, the XL2420T, which led to his current collaboration with BenQ to organize the K1 TV league matches. These matches are bringing together virtually all of China’s premier professional and semi-professional CS clubs, including Tyloo. Moreover, the matched have drawn the entry of world-class CS team Na’Vi. BenQ’s gaming powerhouse monitors, the XL2420T and RL2450HT, have been named official equipment for the matches.

