2012年6月17日 星期日

明基三豐醫療器材國外代理商教育訓練成功(2012 BenQ Medical Technology product & Service training is a huge success)

明基三豐醫療器材於2012 六月期間舉辦一年一度的國外代理商教育訓練,其活動舉辦成功,來自各國的代理商來臺參加,共襄盛舉。由於明基三豐因應市場需求, 陸續推出新產品機種, 提升手術燈及手術台的領先技術。為了讓經銷商及代理商能同步了解產品特性及銷售特點,特此舉辦為期三天的研討會,以利代理商及海外售後維修團隊能掌握產品資訊及最先進的技術能力,以提供客戶最完善的產品及售後服務品質。透過這次在臺灣舉辦海外代理商教育訓練, 讓國際代理商提升服務品質, 及掌握每一次的銷售機會。

2012 BenQ Medical Technology product & Service training is a huge success. Du to BenQ Medical is consistently launching new products, upgrading surgical tables and surgical lights, and renovating current products. With all these changes, it can be difficult for employees, dealers, or distributors to keep track of everything going on. This seminar has been developed to help distributors and service engineers raise customer service and support standards, by instructing, equipping, and inspiring them to deliver brilliant customer service at every opportunity.

