BenQ BL2420PT是首款針對CAD/CAM應用量身定制的專業設計螢幕,其2560X1440超高解析度讓每抹色彩能清晰呈現,同時高對比呈現無與倫比的精確線條,更內建不閃屏與低藍光功能,讓長時間專注於螢幕的設計師們的雙眼能獲得更完美的保護,一推出就廣受專業工業設計師的口碑肯定,為了讓護眼功能更齊備,同時更是感謝消費者支持,上網註冊並完成[留好評]推薦,就可獲得Genie螢幕閱讀檯燈 (價值NTD$4,290),數量有限,送完為止。
BenQ BL2420PT is the first professional monitor custom-made for CAD/CAM designers. It's ultra-high 2560x1440 resolution renders colors with extraordinary clarity, while high contrast brings out lines with incomparable precision. In addition, the flicker-free screen and low-blue light function protects the eyes of designers who spend extended periods staring at their screens. The BL2420PT gained excellent word-of-mouth from industrial designers when introduced, and in order to make its eye-protective functionality even more complete, as well as thank consumers for their support, those who complete a positive review online can receive a Genie e-reading lamp (retailing for NT$4,290), available in limited quantities while they last.