2015年2月23日 星期一
BenQ Taiwan低藍光螢幕家族生力軍EW2750ZL 輕薄登場 (BenQ Taiwan debuts streamlined addition to low blue light monitor line)
EW2750ZL 護眼螢幕,為無邊框設計寫下完美註解,不受框架的限制讓整體造型更優雅俐落,底座與支架的更採深邃黑髮絲紋設計,護眼的同時也能保留時尚的風格,27 吋大畫面亦讓使用者感受更遼闊的視野。
The EW2750ZL Eye-care monitor is a perfect realization of a zero-bezel design, eliminating the visual distraction of a frame around the screen to achieve a cleaner, more elegant look. The base and stand for the monitor are deep black and use a brushed finish, further highlighting how it both protects the eyes and offers chic styling, while the spacious 27” screen gives users an expansive view.
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