2015年12月14日 星期一

BenQ x HD Club W3000 台灣區網友體驗會 (BenQ joins forces with high-end multimedia-focused website to organize W3000 product tryout event in Taiwan)

BenQ這次特地與HD Club精研視務所合作,在全遮光的視聽室徹底完整發揮出BenQ W3000的全部實力。體驗會上講者藉由撥放各式電影片段,如復仇者聯盟2、玩命關頭7、一代宗師、魔髮奇緣等片,逐一逐一展現W3000 Rec.709、動態畫面補差等細節,甚至在最後播放Lady Gaga 演唱會的4K片段時,W3000 也可讓現場觀眾感受無比絕佳的畫質,讓人感受到W3000是款優秀的產品,擁有人人皆消費得起的價格,滿足廣大眾多的投影愛好者需求。

BenQ made special arrangements to work with multimedia specialist website HD Club to demonstrate the full abilities of the BenQ W3000 projector in a completely light-sealed viewing studio. The speaker at the live demo event used various types of video clips to demonstrate the details of how the Rec. 709-compliant W3000's video enhancement technology optimizes the viewing experience. The piece de resistance was a 4K resolution clip of a Lady Gaga performance, which enabled the audience to experience the unmatched picture quality of the W3000. Through the demo, they gained a vivid sense of what an outstanding a product the W3000 truly is with its pricing that makes it accessible to virtually any consumer, while satisfying the needs of projector fans among the broader public.

