2014年12月16日 星期二

BenQ Eye-Care護眼不閃屏顯示器行銷活動在歐洲 (BenQ Eye-Care monitors campaign in Europe)

BenQ Eye-Care護眼不閃屏顯示器在歐洲的行銷活動,包括部落客體驗、影片露出、twitter活動,展現更大的產品聲量。
Eye-Care monitors shown to VIP bloggers during event in Paris, France
Target country: France
Post a picture of your eye on Twitter: #BenQeyecare @BenQEurope.
Three EW2440L prizes by lucky draw.

Eye-Care Twitter campaign in France & Eye-Care video developed by BenQ Europe
Very high views of youtube – 410,026 views.

