2014年10月31日 星期五

QisDesign 燈飾產品在波蘭設計展展出 (QisDesign lamps, projectors and IFPs presented at Wawa Design Festival 2014 in Warsaw, Poland)

QisDesign 燈飾產品在波蘭Wawa Design Festival 2014設計展展出,超過3000位參與者在此展中更瞭解BenQ產品。

QisDesign lamps, projectors and IFPs presented at Wawa Design Festival 2014 in Warsaw, Poland

Event, Promotion
QisDesign, PRJ, IFP promotion during Wawa Design Festival 2014
event in Soho Factory, Warsaw from 09. till 14.09. 2014
3.000 attendees
Official website: http://wawadesign.eu/

