2014年11月19日 星期三

BenQ XL2430T電競顯示器在歐洲獲好評 (BenQ XL2430T got good reviewss in Europe)

BenQ XL2430T電競顯示器在歐洲斯洛伐克與羅馬尼亞等地網站好評。

XL2430T top product award in Generation.sk in Slovak Republic 
XL2430T good review in Economica.net and Menintech.ro in Romania http://www.menintech.ro/benq-xl2430t-un-monitor-pentru-gamerii-hardcore/
Conclusion: With the XL2430T, BenQ still respects their commitment several years ago to serious gamers, XL Series monitors are a series devoted to intensive gaming.

