2014年5月12日 星期一

台灣區推出G2F晚美自拍機FB活動 (BenQ Taiwan kicks off Facebook campaign promoting the G2F beauty-enhancing self-portrait camera)

BenQ G2F 帶妳玩遍春天Facebook活動,3/28-4/13 搭配春遊景點和產品特色,舉行留言互動抽獎,消費者反應熱烈,不但按讚數接近五千次,三波留言更累積六百多則回覆。活動設計以Before vs. After的概念,傳達G2F蘋果光夜自拍及六段十八種美顏模式的神奇效果,光源暗也能拍出粉嫩頻果肌、就算素顏自拍,不修圖也能拍出好照片!

A campaign highlighting the G2F camera ran on Facebook from 28 March through 13 April. Drawing on a spring travel theme, and including prize drawings, the campaign was enthusiastically received, drawing close to 5000 likes and more than 600 comments. The campaign page featured before-and-after photographs showing how the G2F’s beautifying effects and 18 facial photo modes can magically transform shots taken in low light. Even self-portraits taken with no makeup on come out looking terrific!

